Yes ! 2024 Wild Love is on its Way ! Be Curious !

How the festival works


This is how our co-creative festival is happening since 2020 inspired and energetically derived from the global Wild Love Movement. One of the core ideas: Co-creation. Emergence. Going with what is there.
What we do as a team: Provide the container for this to happen. And bring in our individual gifts, as part of the field. So keeping with the spirit of the Wild Love Movement, WILD LOVE Festival Switzerland is a collaborative, participatory festival that lives from the gifts, talents and wisdom of the community.

Based on open space technology, the festival offers a framework with time slots in which contributions or workshops from the tribe will take place throughout the day. The invitation EVERYONE is to bring in your words, sounds, colours, shapes, games, expressions, your knowledge, wisdom and experience - and share them with us! In that way the festival is shaped by contributions from the field and the presence of each individual.

Generally, offerings from the areas of body awareness, embodiment, mindfulness, movement and dance, conscious sexuality, forms of relationship and love, shamanic, spiritual and nature-related subjects and everything you associate with "Wild Love" are welcome.

IMPORTANT: Even if you are new to discovering and immersing yourself in the above-mentioned areas, you are welcome to contribute to the festival with your curiosity and joy of learning and offer your support in areas you feel you want and can. Emergence can be magical, and sometimes, just your presence, or carrying a mat to another room, is as valuable as proposing and holding a workshop.

Open Space Process

During the first day, everyone who wants to present their ideas (maximum 3) for workshops, rituals, experience etc. will have the space to transmit the essence of their offering. After that, we will collectively vote. The program will then be created by the orga team based on the results of voting, and will also consider a balanced program and variety of workshop themes and facilitators.

We will reach out to all participants before the start of the festival with more details.

All of this is subject to smaller changes. Inbetween our festivals, usually a lot is cooking… We are always dreaming, improving, listening.. The co-createve nature of the Festival as the basic principle though is fixed.

Materials for Workshops

Your workshop idea should be feasible without much material needed. We will have three group rooms available, and in case the weather gods are with us, workshops can also be offered outside by the lake for instance (no nudity outside).
Material that is available on site:

  • Mats (oil for massage is possible, but requires mindfulness)

  • Seat cushions

  • Music system, microphones

  • Whiteboard / flipchart

  • Outside: fireplace, ritual space, beach

If you need anything else for your workshop: If it is not a lot of work, bring it along, knowing that your offering might or might not happen. If it is a huge logistical mission, get in touch with us first.


The official language during the festival (for organisational matters, announcements to the whole group, and the evening program) will be English. However, the open-space workshops can also be held in German. If you do not understand English well enough to follow the program, we encourage you to find someone from the field of participants to translate at the festival. In our experience, this can work well, if you are fine to flow with the process. Please note though that we will not provide “official” translation.



The program will be co-created in an Open Space process explained above on the first afternoon. We will create the container for workshops to happen. Below is a symbolic structure. Please note times and content are subject to change.


Registration & Prices

Do you feel the call? Then get your ticket!
In the checkout form, we will ask you some questions that we feel are important for us to organize this event and create a safe container. We will treat your answers confidentially.

After buying your ticket, please make sure to book your preferred accommodation directly at Schloss Glarisegg Seminar Center.


Check-In: Thursday 22th August 2024 at 13:00 - 14:45
Start Program: 15:00
Closing: Sunday 25th August 2024 at 16:00

Times can be subject to change.

Important: Our intention is to create an energetic container that allows the group field to feel as “one” and the individual to be on the same page as everyone else in the space. Therefore, you are required to be present for the Opening and the Closing Circle.

Ticket Price

Please note that the ticket does not include accommodation and food. In order to participate, you must book accommodation with Schloss Glarisegg (or meals without accommodation if you want to sleep off-site). See below for details.

See the sales page for cancellation and ticket transfer conditions and a description of our screening process.

There are five ticket price categories:

510 - 460 - 405 - 345 - 290 CHF

In order to feel what kind of energy exchange is right for you, you can ask yourself the following questions: How am I doing financially? How much may I contribute? How much is this event worth to me?

Consider this: To make Wild Love a sustainable ongoing project and to be able to honor the time and energy that goes into its creation also financially, we would need everyone to choose the average price. If you pay a lower price, you are basically subsidized by someone else, or by the organizers personally (if the majority of participants choose to pay a lower price). If you choose a higher price, you are keeping this event accessible for people with less financial power than you, and you support the creation of more Wild Love in Switzerland.

And please consider: Your financial power is not limited to how much money sits in your bank account and how much you make, but also involves things such as your earning power, your education, your background, your status, your network, where you were born, etc. For example, if you have a high theoretical earning power based on your education, but choose to earn very little, we invite you to acknowledge that as a choice, compared to someone else who does not have the same choice and simply struggles to make ends meet.

Feel what is in alignment for you. Make your choice from there. And we will not ask or challenge your choice.

Accommodation & Food

Our event location is Schloss Glarisegg at Lake Constance. Read more about them and get some impressions here. And make sure to book your accommodation directly with them using this form. If you have special dietary requirements - vegan, gluten free, etc. - please add a note under “your message to the reservation office”.

The following options are available - prices PER PERSON:

(Prices from 2023 - check Glarisegg’s website for the actual prices)

CHF 285.- for camping (in your own tent)
CHF 315.- for camping (in your own camper)
CHF 360.- in a 3 to 4 bed room
CHF 390.- in a double room
CHF 510.- in a single room
CHF 465.- in a double room (with private bathroom)
CHF 615.- in a single room (with private bathroom)
CHF 213.- for neighbors and off-site sleepers: flat rate for seminar center; lunch + dinner included

Most categories (except tent) have limited availability.

All prices per person for the duration of the event (3 nights / 4 days) for accommodation and food - excluding event ticket.
Including: Breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as refreshments during breaks.
All food is organic and vegetarian / vegan.

Agreements and Commitment

The following community agreements are in place at our festival:

  • I agree to breathe, to feel, to be present and to be authentic.

  • I agree to maintain confidentiality. This means not disclosing any individual’s identities, stories, and experiences. I am free to speak about my own experience in the journey.

  • I will clearly express my boundaries verbally and/or non-verbally and I will respect the boundaries of others without limitations.

  • I agree to ask for support, guidance, and help when I need it, using clear direct requests.

  • I agree to take full responsibility for the nature of my experience during this journey.

Furthermore, we will share the following commitment:

I declare that as an adult and a sovereign person, I am able and willing to stand up for myself and to decide what is good for me and what is not. I will respect my own and other people's limits. I take responsibility for the nature of my experience as well as for all my actions and interactions on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I am aware that this event includes nudity and sexuality. I hereby confirm that I am sufficiently insured (accident, personal liability).

Important: Please only buy a ticket if you wholeheartedly agree to the agreements and the shared commitment.


Disclaimer of liability

Workshop Sheet